Before & After Photo

Nose Surgery | Septal cartilage rhinoplasty, Septal Deviation, Long Nose

페이지 정보

Writer VIPPS 작성일18-01-29 07:01 Hit103


Nose Surgery - Septal cartilage rhinoplasty, Septal Deviation, Long NoseNose Surgery - Septal cartilage rhinoplasty, Septal Deviation, Long NoseNose Surgery - Septal cartilage rhinoplasty, Septal Deviation, Long NoseNose Surgery - Septal cartilage rhinoplasty, Septal Deviation, Long Nose


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This website provides the plastic surgery based on the theoretical knowledge and our wide experiences. No contents contained herein may be used as substitutes for direct consultation.
© 2025 VIP International Plastic Surgery in Korea. All Rights Reserved.

Dr. Myungju Lee, Ph.D., a board-certified plastic surgeon in Korea, specializes in Facelift, Rhinoplasty, facial contouring, and body contouring surgeries.

Please note: before and after photos may vary depending on each patient's case.