
“What Is Chin Surgery?”

When the front chin is retruded, small, or wide your facial contour may not seem well-defined and balanced. This feature emphasizes the protrusion of the mouth, unconsciously giving an upset or imbalanced impression. Depending on the patient condition, chin surgery or non-incision filler may be applicable to achieve a sophisticated chin line. The chin surgery has various surgery methods such as T-cut, genioplasty, chin implant and chin fat graft insertion.

Operation Information

  • Surgery Time :    ~60 Minutes
  • Anesthesia Type :    IV sedation or General Anesthesia
  • Hospitalization :    None-1 Day
  • Stitch Removal :    Depends on the condition
  • Recovery Time :    7 Days

Chin Surgery Method


Chin Surgery Method - T-Cut Chin Surgery – Step 1

STEP  01 Incise the partial part of front chin avoiding the nerve line. (red dotted line)
Chin Surgery Method - T-Cut Chin Surgery – Step 2

STEP  02 Remove the partial amount of bone in the center and re-shape the front chin in V-line.
Chin Surgery Method - T-Cut Chin Surgery – Step 3

STEP  03 After fixing the left and right side bones, remove the excess bone.


Chin Surgery Method – Genioplasty – Step 1

STEP  01 Make the incision line inside the mouth.
Chin Surgery Method – Genioplasty – Step 2

STEP  02 the incision line at the end of the chin bone.
Chin Surgery Method – Genioplasty – Step 3

STEP  03 Find the ideal location for the chin line and fix it together.


Chin Surgery Method – Chin Implant or Chin Fat Graft Surgery – Step 1

Silicone Insertion Create a small incision in the mouth mucous membrane and insert a silicone implant for the ideal chin angle.
Chin Surgery Method – Chin Implant or Chin Fat Graft Surgery – Step 2

Chin Fat Graft Harvest autologous fat tissues from thighs, hip, and stomach and insert fat tissues into the front chin.

Ideal Candidates for Advanced Genioplasty

01   People who have a receding chin and normal bite.

02   People with a weak chin and protruded mouth

03   People who have severe chin abnormalities

04   People who want dramatic results

Comparisons on Different Surgery Methods

Genioplasty & T-cut Chin SurgeryChin ImplantChin Fat Graft
When chin lengthening or forwarding are necessary, genioplasty or T-cut chin surgery allows a flexible design without using the foreign implant.Chin surgery using foreign implants allows a quick surgery (30 minutes) and a fast recovery. The chin implant can be removed when unsatisfied.When chin retrusion is not severe, autologous fat graft is a moderate alternative. Although the result is not dramatic, using the autologous fat tissues is a simple way to enhance the chin.

Ideal Candidates for Chin Surgery

01   People who have a double chin because of the short length of chin

02   People who have a short and dull chin

03   People who want a sophisticated chin line

04   People who want to improve a small chin and a protruded mouth

05   People who want to improve the long face

Contact Us

If you would like to receive VIP doctor’s comments regarding your interested treatment or surgeries, feel free to contact us via mobile messenger app. Please let us know your interested areas with clear photos (front and side) for a free online consultation. Your photos will be privately used for consultation purposes only.