
“What Is Autologous Cartilage Rhinoplasty?”

Autologous Cartilage nose surgery uses autologous tissues and cartilages such as rib cartilage, septal cartilage, ear cartilage, fascia, and dermis harvested from our body that can be solely used without foreign implants or combined with foreign implants depending on the surgery method. One of the advantages of this surgery is that the Autologous Cartilage Rhinoplasty builds the safest and finest surgery result compared to foreign implants rhinoplasty. These autologous materials lower the risk of inflammation, prevent the risk of implant warping, skin redness, and skin thinning, and create a stable structure which leads to a natural result.

Doctor’s Message

“For the nose bridge, silicone implants can be used partially with the autologous cartilage. However, it is significant that the autologous cartilage must be avoided to use in the nose tip to create a strong and to prevent the side effects. Silicone implants should not be used for the nose tip because it is not capable of building a fundamental structure, thus causing an unnatural result and potential side effects. Therefore, autologous cartilages play an important role building a nose structure in rhinoplasty.”

There are various autologous tissues and cartilages in our body that can be used for the rhinoplasty material. They are natural materials freshly harvested from our body and aesthetically refined in a specific shape customized for the rhinoplasty. Our VIP doctors believe that a natural and safe result is the utmost important factor in plastic surgery. Autologous cartilage not only guarantees the safety but also allows doctors to create a stable structure ultimately establishing a premium rhinoplasty. These autologous materials can be solely used without any foreign implants or partially combined with the foreign implant.

Nonetheless, the silicone implant has been the longest foreign implant over centuries that was medically utilized and is approved to be safe in the human body. Under the condition that an experienced and skillful doctor performs the rhinoplasty, partial usage of silicone implant certainly creates a safe and satisfying result.

While the silicone implant can be partially used for the nose bridge, the autologous cartilage must be combined together to achieve a premium quality rhinoplasty. First, multiple pieces of autologous cartilages (septal and rib cartilage) will be carved according to the patient’s needs. These autologous cartilage pieces are used to fundamentally create a strong nose structure that could maintain its shape throughout the time.

Furthermore, fascia and dermis are additionally used to protect a sensitive skin or thin skin when performing the rhinoplasty.

Ultimately, finding a highly skilled and experienced doctor is the utmost important factor to increase the success in rhinoplasty. Harvesting the septal and rib cartilage safely is certainly not a simple process. Therefore, some of the doctors may choose to use a donor rib cartilage instead of your own fresh rib cartilage. Every doctor has different surgery techniques in performing the rhinoplasty. To maximize your success, find out what surgery methods your doctor will perform and discuss what material would be mostly appropriate for you.

Operation Information

  • Surgery Time :    Varies
  • Anesthesia Type :    IV Sedation or General Anesthesia
  • Hospitalization :    0-1 Day
  • Stitch Removal :    7-10 Days
  • Recovery Time :    1-2 Weeks

4 Types of Autologous Cartilage & Tissue

Septal Cartilage is used for lengthening the nose length or adding a projection in the nose tip.

01  Ear cartilage Ear cartilage is a small cartilage with a curvy shape. It is mostly used to cover the nasal tip area or complement the insufficient amount of the septal cartilage. It is not recommended to solely use for the rhinoplasty due to its characteristics.
  • Harvest from inside the ears
  • Act as a supplement material, not the main rhinoplasty material
  • Must use with other autologous cartilage or foreign implants for the rhinoplasty
  • Utilized to cover the silicone at the nasal tip
  • Limited to design the nose structure
Harvested Amount ★☆☆☆☆ Supporting strength ★☆☆☆☆
Ear Cartilage is used for covering the nasal tip area or complementing the insufficient amount of the septal cartilage.

02  Septal cartilage Septal cartilage which is located inside the nose is mainly utilized to lengthen the nose length or add a projection in the nose tip. It does not leave any additional scarring since it is harvested from the inner nose but it requires an expertise to harvest the right amount to create a stable structure without causing a collapse in the nose. It is mostly used for the primary rhinoplasty.
  • Harvest from inside the nose
  • Used to revise the nose structure
  • Used to improve septal deviation
  • Can be used for glabella or nose bridge (limited)
  • May be limited amount to design the nose structure
Harvested Amount ★★☆☆☆ Supporting strength ★★☆☆☆
Rib Cartilage is used for the revision rhinoplasty.It is recommended for the patients who prioritize the natural and safe result.

03  Rib cartilage The rib cartilage is located near the rib and it can be harvested a great amount to build the full structure for the rhinoplasty. Among other materials, it has the strongest supporting strength and a durability. It was mainly used for the revision rhinoplasty before but nowadays the rib cartilage rhinoplasty is in a higher demand for the primary rhinoplasty as well. It is recommended for the patients who prioritize the natural and safe result when selecting the rhinoplasty and who want to minimize the potential revision rhinoplasty.
  • 100% natural autologous rhinoplasty. Zero foreign implants used.
  • May be combined with a silicone implant.
  • Harvest from near the ribs (Not bones, it is a cartilage!)
  • Sufficient amount to fully design a nose structure, basement, bridge, and tip.
  • Strongly support the structure and prevent the collapse.
  • Rib incision line (2-3cm) becomes invisible as time goes by.
  • Recommended for low nose, short nose, and revision rhinoplasty.
Harvested Amount ★★★★★ Supporting strength ★★★★★
Dermis from the hip area is used to protect and complement the skin thickness.

04  Fascia & Dermis The dermis is harvested from the hip area and mainly used to protect and complement the skin thickness. Compared to foreign implants, fascia and dermis are autologous tissues (your own tissues) and therefore they relatively have minimal side effects. Fascia and Dermis are suitable for patients who have a sensitive skin or thin skin as these materials create a natural and soft result.
  • Mainly used to cover and protect the sensitive and thin skin.
  • Creates a natural result.
  • Dermis is harvested from the hip.
  • Mainly combined with autologous cartilages or silicone implants.
Harvested Amount ★★☆☆☆ Supporting strength ★☆☆☆☆

Autologous Cartilage Rhinoplasty Surgery Methods

01) Simple RhinoplastyThis surgery method is for the people who are looking for a simple rhinoplasty and do not wish to change the overall shape much. Ear cartilage is only used for the tip of the nose surgery since the shape is curved and can be harvested for a very little amount. (About a thumbnail size)

The ear cartilage is also used when there is not enough septal cartilage, taking the advantage of its anatomical figure. It is used for crooked nose and for augmenting the overall nose, covered by fascia.

As the ear cartilage is curved, it is not suitable for the strut to support the nasal tip and used mainly for graft in the nasal tip to strengthen the tip.

Simple Rhinoplasty – Combination of septal, ear cartilage, and silicone implant

02) COMBINATION RHINOPLASTY (SEPTAL CARTILAGE & SILICONE IMPLANT)The septal cartilage, which is centered inside of the nose, is mainly used to support the triangular-shaped structural cartilage for the nose tip and to fix extended cartilage to decide on the height and length of the nose tip. It is also used to revise the nose structure and improve septal deviation, and then the rest is used for the nose bridge and glabella.

If the grafted cartilage is not enough, the shape of the nasal tip cannot form well and will not maintain for a longtime. When there is less cartilage compared to the amount of nasal bone, the amount of cartilage that can be grafted is less. In such case, it is necessary to extract the cartilage with the back part of the nasal bone, which requires a highly experienced technique

When the only little amount is necessary, the nasal septal cartilage is the best material. With the width of 1-2mm, this flat cartilage can bear considerable weight and is suitable for the strut to reinforce the columella and for other various structures.

However, the extraction of the septal cartilage requires a know-how. Lack of knowledge or experience can cause several problems because there are structural safety and limitation in obtaining a desired result with the inadequate amount. Therefore, as the proper nose surgery requires an extremely skillful technique, it is important to select the clinic that is widely experienced with a know-how.

Read More About Septal Deviation Rhinoplasty

03) RIB CARTILAGE RHINOPLASTYRib cartilage rhinoplasty is one of the VIP signature surgeries, which has been performed more than 16 years. Rib cartilage nose surgery requires a plastic surgeon who has extensive experience and prestigious surgery technique to successfully perform without scarring. The best part of a rib cartilage is that it has a lot of materials that allows surgeons to flexibly utilize to create the base structure and design of the nose. Unlike septal cartilage which only can be harvested a little especially for Asians and African American, rib cartilage nose surgery has sufficient amount to fully construct the rhinoplasty without using any of the foreign implants. However, our clinic also offers the combination rhinoplasty (rib cartilage and silicone implant) as well. This surgery method is the best for the patients who do not mind using silicone implants, and who are looking for a reasonable price compared to the 100% rib cartilage rhinoplasty.

Rib Cartilage Rhinoplasty

What Is the Best Rhinoplasty for Me?

CASE 01 –
Simple Rhinoplasty
People who have a good nose structure and desire to slightly enhance their appearance rather than a change
CASE 02 – Simple Rhinoplasty, Septal Deviation Rhinoplasty
People who have a good nose length with the sufficient amount of septal cartilage
CASE 03 – Harmony Rhinoplasty, Rib Cartilage Rhinoplasty, Revision Rhinoplasty
  • People who have low and short nose
  • People who need revision (secondary) rhinoplasty
  • People who want 100% autologous tissues (your own tissues)
  • People who want a safe and natural result

Ideal Candidates for the Autologous Cartilage Rhinoplasty

01   People who wish to improve their appearance

02   People who want to have a natural result from the rhinoplasty

03   People who want a long-lasting result

04   People who want to get a rhinoplasty but afraid of the foreign implant side effects

05   People who are looking for a secondary (revision) rhinoplasty

Autologous Cartilage Rhinoplasty Surgery Point

01   May or may not use foreign implants depending on the surgery method.

02   Septal Cartilage Rhinoplasty is only available for the primary rhinoplasty.

03   Rib Cartilage Rhinoplasty is recommended for the revision rhinoplasty.

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