Cleft Lip

“What Is Cleft Lip Rhinoplasty?”

Cleft Lip is a birth defect that causes lips or mouth roof malformation due to not enough tissues for the proper shape of lips during a pregnancy. Cleft lip also affects the surrounding muscles, cartilage, and bones, creating a deformity in the facial structure. Lips malformation surgery is performed at the young age and the actual cleft lip rhinoplasty is performed after 18 years old when facial bone is fully grown. As the cleft lip rhinoplasty involves a great modification in various facial features, it is important to wait until the facial structure is fully developed.

The nose is one of the most prominent facial features, and its appearance contributes enormously to facial aesthetics. Nasal deformity associated with a cleft lip has been viewed as one of the most challenging reconstructive problems in the rhinoplasty field. Patients with a cleft lip frequently have an associated nasal deformity as well. These deformities can vary in their severity. Furthermore, this deformity can leave the patient with severe asymmetries of the nostrils and base of the nose.

Doctor’s Message

The key to success of cleft lip rhinoplasty is to correct the slanted shapes of nasal cartilage and bone inside. Rib cartilage cleft lip nose surgery requires an advanced technique that incorporates rib cartilage grafting to treat patients with cleft lip nasal deformities. The combination of the rib grafting and specialized ear cartilage grafting allows a tremendous control for correcting deformities associated with the cleft lip nasal deformity. The common clinical issues associated with a cleft lip nasal deformity are a lack of the symmetry, alar collapse on the affected side, obtuse nasolabial angle, short nasal length, loss of tip definition, and altered columella. Rib cartilage rhinoplasty in cleft lip nose can provide patients with a stable and satisfactory nasal appearance since rib cartilage is a strong supportive material for the rhinoplasty.

Operation Information

  • Surgery Time :    Varies
  • Anesthesia Type :    General Anesthesia
  • Hospitalization :    1 Day
  • Stitch Removal :    5-10 Days
  • Recovery Time :    Varies

7 Main Symptoms of a Nasal Deformity (Cleft Lips)

01   Affected side maxilla depression and ANS process are slanted.

02   Severe curve deformity on nasal septum with nasal congestion.

03   Affected side nostril base is expanded, and the shape of the nostril has a dent.

04   Affected side alar cartilage widens and droops downward.

05   Nostrils seem risen.

06   The deformity extends from the maxilla to alar cartilage.

07   Cleft lip rhinoplasty using the rib cartilage is highly recommended to restore the nasal septum, skin, and soft tissue.

Why Is the Rib Cartilage the Best Material for Cleft Lip Rhinoplasty?

01   Because the rib cartilage is harvested a sufficient amount and the durability is firm, it is ideal to support and fix a nasal deformity.

02   It is efficient to fill in the depressed maxilla to correct the basis of the nose.

03   The deformed nasal septum is corrected along with the severe asymmetries of the nostrils.

04   The short columella can be extended.

05   Using the rib cartilage, the short nose can be augmented on the dorsum and the tip area.

06   Compared to the bone implant, rib cartilage implant has much lower absorption rate even the implant is inserted in the depressed bone.

07   Can re-shape the collapsed nostrils into more natural and straight shape.

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