
Flying fake boobs!!!

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I had thought about breast augmentaion since realizing I wasn’t going to grow any as a teenager. I was probably more of an AA cup and have always worn super padded bras or the silicone bra inserts. One time while riding a roller coaster, one of the bra inserts flew out. I feel sorry for whoever was hit by the flying fake boob. However, I knew I wanted to have kids and that breastfeeding was important to me so I held off on having surgery. My children are now 10 and 6 and our family is complete. For the last several years I’ve put it off as I had guilt about spending so much money. When our income tax return came in this year, my husband and I discussed it and decided I should go for it. My husband served as US military soldier and presently we are station at Yongsan Army Garrison South Seoul Korea. I’m really lucky to have breast augmentation while I’m here in Korea for it is the leading country in plastic surgery. I was referred by my primary provider to VIP International Plastic Surgery Clinic and met with Dr Lee a few times, tried on different sizes, discussed the procedure at length, viewed photos, etc. My surgery was just completed 4 days ago. I had 325 cc Mentor silicon high profile implants placed under the muscle. Incision was made under the breast crease. I feel really good. I took my prescriptiion pain medicine for a couple of days, but now am just taking motrin to help with any inflammation and soreness. I agree with many of the others that said that it feels like when your milk has come in. I remember waking up during the night with my breasts engorged after having my babies. This is very similar. You just can’t get relief by milking them. lol. They feel tight and full. As far as pain, there is soreness at the incision site, but it’s not bad. I do not seem to have much swelling or bruising. I was very tired for the first couple of days, but my energy is returning. I will have to force myself not to overdo it though. I am typically very active. I ride horses, jog, help with my kids sports practices etc… Obviously lots of things that involve bouncing. I am scheduled for my post op to learn the massage techniques in two days. I am wearing a supportive sports bra that zips in the front which was recommended by Dr Lee. It is looking like I will be pretty much a C cup when all is healed. I just wanted to look normal and cannot wait to buy my first pretty bra and have the freedom to pick whatever swim top, cute little summer dresses and tops I want. So far the best money I’ve ever spent on myself was for Lasik surgery and now breast augmentation. I no longer have to worry about anyone being hit by flying fake boobs either. lol. I like to praise the entire team of Dr Lee who assisted me during the evolution of my surgery. The managers Ms Joanne, Ms Kim, Ms Chloe, korean ladies work in the front clinic (very kind enough to support me before and after my procedure.

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Reviews reflect personal opinions and not VIP Plastic Surgery Korea’s views. Results vary, and statements aren’t medical advice. Consult a board-certified plastic surgeon for professional guidance.

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Dr. Myung Ju Lee, M.D. Ph.D. is a board certified plastic surgeon in Korea, specializing in facelift, necklift, rhinoplasty, blepharoplasty, and genioplasty.

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Please note that before-and-after photos may vary depending on each patient's case. This website provides information on plastic surgery based on theoretical knowledge and extensive experience. No content contained herein may be used as a substitute for direct consultation.