Lower Eyelid

“What Is Lower Eyelid Surgery?”

Lower Eyelid Surgery is a surgery that can freshen up your image by removing excess bulky fat tissues or flattening your under eye. There are three methods for the surgery depending on the condition. If you have sunken under eye, then under eye should be filled with layers of fats to flatten out. If you have dark circles, a thin layer of fat will be inserted to cover up the dark circle. If you have bulky eye bags, fat reposition and flattening out are required.

Doctor’s Message

Under eye bag, dark circle, and sunken under eye usually appear as we age, but it may also show when you have a thin under eye skin and weak fat tissues since you were young. Lower eyelid surgery is a popular surgery for all ages for both men and women since bulky under eye bag possibly gives depressed and tired appearance. If you want to achieve a fresh and clean image, lower eyelid surgery is definitely recommended for you.

Operation Information

  • Surgery Time :    60-90 Minutes
  • Anesthesia Type :    Local Anesthesia or IV Sedation
  • Hospitalization :    None
  • Stitch Removal :    None-4 Days
  • Recovery Time :    Recovery Time: 1-2 Weeks

Lower Eyelid Surgery Method

Steps for Lower Eyelid Surgery Method

STEP  01
Recognize and understand the under-eye bag or sunken areas location.
Steps for Lower Eyelid Surgery Method

STEP  02
Remove the excess fat tissues and reposition to flatten out the under eye.
Steps for Lower Eyelid Surgery Method

STEP  03
Remove the conglutination of lachrymal gland (tear gland) and prevent the retraction by inserting fats.
Steps for Lower Eyelid Surgery Method

STEP  04
Fresh and young eyes are created.

Ideal Candidates for Lower Eyelid Surgery

01   Bulky eye bag due to excess under eye fat tissues

02   Severe dark circles

03   Sunken under eye

04   Who has distinction from the cheek bones due to lack of under eye fat tissues

05   Who looks aging compared to the current age


Local anesthesia is used for lower eyelid surgery.
Before a revision surgery, a healing period of at least 1 year after the last surgery is recommended.
The risks of Lower Eyelid surgery may include but not limited to infection, bruising, visible scar lines, swelling and blurred vision. Dr.Lee’s extensive experience in the plastic surgery field is dedicated to combat all these risks.
After the surgery there will be check-ups everyday until the stitches are out. Stitches will be removed on the 5th-7th days after the surgery.

Contact Us

If you would like to receive VIP doctor’s comments regarding your interested treatment or surgeries, feel free to contact us via mobile messenger app. Please let us know your interested areas with clear photos (front and side) for a free online consultation. Your photos will be privately used for consultation purposes only.