Nose Surgery
by Type

7 Different Nose Types

  • Short nose
  • Low nose
  • Deviated nose
  • Droopy (long) nose
  • Hump nose
  • Bulbous nose
  • Contracted (Upturned) nose

Doctor’s Message

It is important to understand that the nose surgery cannot simply consider the nose only, but it rather needs to find the harmonious ratio within the individual’s face. The nose, the center of the face, is wholly connected from the forehead, philtrum, lips, and front chin. Therefore, it is significant to analyze distinct characteristics and bring out one’s beauty rather than creating an identical and conventional nose shape. At VIP clinic, we aim to provide the safest and use best surgery materials and methods for surgeries.

The ideal method for an individual depends on a nose condition such as length, infection, skin, tissue, and the number of surgery cases. Our premium rhinoplasty thoroughly analyzes and considers detailed factors creating a voluminous, exclusive, and sophisticated image. Here are seven most common nose types I have categorized for the rhinoplasty.

Operation Information

  • Surgery Time :    Varies
  • Anesthesia Type :    General Anesthesia
  • Hospitalization :    0-1 Day
  • Stitch Removal :    5 Days
  • Recovery Time :    10 Days

4 Conditions for Harmonious Nose and Face

1:1:1 ideal ratio

CONDITION  01 The individual ratio between the forehead-eyebrows, eyebrows-nose, and nose-chin is ideal at 1:1:1.

The ideal nose height

CONDITION  02 Assuming the nose length is 100, the nose height is ideal when it is ~65% of the nose length.

Harmonization of nose tip and chin

CONDITION  03 The nose tip is slightly above the nose bridge and the size should be harmonized with the chin size.

Angle among the columella, philtrum, and nose tip

CONDITION  04 The angle between the columella and philtrum is 95-100 degrees and the angle between the columella and nose tip is 30-45 degrees for a harmonized nose.

Nose Surgery Methods for 7 Different Nose Types

Short Nose before and after
* Side effects such as inflammation after the surgery may vary by each individuals and may require appropriate treatments. Please check the guideline with the doctor.

About ‘Low Nose’ The low nose tends to generate a flatter and bigger face image due to loss of a face volume. Therefore, the main goal is to add heights and project out the nose structure. However, one of the major reasons of revision rhinoplasty is that people insert a foreign implant all the way from the beginning to the end of the nose; eventually, the foreign implant slowly develops side effects such as skin reddening or contraction (piggy nose/pinched nose.) Ultimately, using autologous tissues to elongate nose length and projecting the structure is the safest method rather than solely using the foreign implant. VIP Plastic Surgery discovers the balanced ratio and considers one’s nose condition to create a harmonized line from forehead, glabella, nose bridge, nose tip, philtrum, and lips. Low Nose Distinct Characteristics

01    Low nose bridge or small nose

02    People with low nose and flat face who wants more volume

03    Low nose with wide mid-vault

04    Low nose with a bulbous nose

05    Low glabella (between eyes)

Low Nose Surgery Point

01    Use septal cartilages to create a supporting pillar in the nose tip.

02    VIP exclusive technique: Use rib cartilage or silicone implant to add volumes in the mid-face (basement of nostrils and philtrum) to create a 3D image.

03    Add ear cartilages in the nose tip for an enhanced nose shape and heights.

04    Use autologous tissues (usually rib cartilage) to add the nose height.

Deviated Nose before and after
* Side effects such as inflammation after the surgery may vary by each individuals and may require appropriate treatments. Please check the guideline with the doctor.

About ‘Deviated Nose’ The deviation in nose usually appears innately or due to physical accidents during the adolescent period. This deviation causes a deformation in the nasal bone, lower cartilage, and septal cartilage which all of these need to be precisely analyzed to decide which combination of surgery methods will be performed. The challenging part of the deviated nose is that not only the nose shape deviates aesthetically but also the deviation causes functional problems causing discomforts. Dr. Lee Myung Ju has presented ‘Septoturbinoplasty’ academic paper for the first time in Korea (2007). VIP’s Septal Deviation Rhinoplasty creates the highest quality of aesthetic and functional result from a single surgery maximizing the usage of septal cartilage whereas the traditional methods needed two separate surgeries to achieve these two goals. Deviated Nose Distinct Characteristics

01    Imbalanced face due to deviated nose structure

02    Allergy symptoms or functional issues due to deviation

03    Deviated nose with a hump in the nose bridge

04    Deviated nose towards the specific direction

05    One side of nostrils is more deviated than the other nostril

Deviated Nose Surgery Point

01    Synergic effect – This combination surgery allows both correcting the functional deviation and creating an aesthetic nose shape.

02    Correct the tip structure when the nose tip cartilage is not balanced from left to right.

03    Place the nasal bone in the center to improve the deviated nose.

04    Strongly support the tip structure and straighten the septal cartilage.

05    Shape the nose in an aesthetic sense and add heights of the nose bridge depending on the condition.

06    Alleviates the various functional symptoms due to the deviation such as rhinitis, runny nose, and nasal congestion.

Droopy and Long Nose before and after
* Side effects such as inflammation after the surgery may vary by each individuals and may require appropriate treatments. Please check the guideline with the doctor.

About ‘Droopy (Long) Nose’ Droopy and long nose is commonly known as a ptotic nasal tip which is a type of nose shape that many people consider to undergo the rhinoplasty. The droopy, long, or hook nose main concern is a lengthy nasal tip; this is due to weak cartilage structures on the nose tip. The rhinoplasty allows patients to achieve a softer and more defined image by refining the length and shape. It is also important to recognize how much the nostrils should be showing. Most people who have long and droopy nose do not show nostrils from the front view which should be adjusted for the balanced ratio. During the rhinoplasty, it is important to adjust and re-shape the extrinsic and intrinsic side of lower lateral cartilages to prevent a recurrence of a drooping situation; the angle between the columella and philtrum needs to be balanced as well. If necessary, the muscle inside the columella needs to be incised depending on the patient condition.

At VIP, the droopy (long) nose rhinoplasty focuses on reconstructing the lower lateral cartilage and columella structure that are main causes of the droopy appearance. The nose bridge and basement must be strongly supported to fundamentally create a balanced nose length. Droopy (Long) Nose Distinct Characteristics

01    People with a droopy nose due to a long nose tip

02    People with narrow angles between the nose and lips due to a long nose length

03    People with imbalanced facial ratio due to a droopy nose

04    People who have a droopy nose when smiling

05    People who look aggressive due to a droopy and long nose

Droopy (Long) Nose Surgery Point

01    Build the nose basement structure to support the droopy nose tip.

02    Create a balanced angle between the nose tip and lips.

03    Use autologous tissues or foreign implant on the nose bridge for a smooth line.

04    May or may not use ear cartilage for the nose tip.

Hump Nose before and after
* Side effects such as inflammation after the surgery may vary by each individuals and may require appropriate treatments. Please check the guideline with the doctor.

About ‘Hump Nose’ Hump nose is a type of nose that has a protruded nose bridge, wide nasal bone, and droopy nose tip. One of the main characteristics of a humped nose is that the septal cartilage underneath the nose is weak and uneven that creates a hump shape. The surgery method depends on how severely the nose is deviated and humped. If severe, functional problem like rhinitis occur from the deformation of nasal bone, septal cartilage, structural cartilage, and muscles. Therefore, this would not be a simple surgery which is simply carving the hump and adding the foreign implants. It is important to precisely diagnose the fundamental causes of a humped nose before choosing the surgery method. Depending on the situation, osteotomy, structural cartilage plasty, and septal cartilage correction may be necessary to remove the hump and create a smooth nose shape. Hump Nose Distinct Characteristics

01    People who have a nasal hump

02    People who desire to achieve a smooth nose shape

03    People who have a large or droopy nose tip

04    People with an imbalanced facial ratio due to a long nose

05    People who have a high nose bridge but needs an improvement in the shape

Hump Nose Surgery Point

01    Remove the nasal hump in the bridge to create a smooth line.

02    Perform osteotomy to create a slimmer nose width.

03    Prevent the nose to shape droopy when smiling

04    Depending on the situation, various osteotomy, structural cartilage rhinoplasty, and septal cartilage rhinoplasty are necessary.

Short Nose before and after
* Side effects such as inflammation after the surgery may vary by each individuals and may require appropriate treatments. Please check the guideline with the doctor.

About ‘Short Nose’ The characteristics of the short nose are that the nose is short in length and tend to show the nostrils; therefore, people commonly describe as a piggy nose. The short nose rhinoplasty is one of the most challenging surgeries than any other surgeries as it addresses not only the nose length but also the nose height. Especially, using a foreign implant is not recommended for a short nose type because there is a high possibility that there will be side effects such as skin reddening, contraction, and skin thinning. Therefore, the best material would be autologous cartilages such as septal cartilage and rib cartilage. However, harvesting a septal cartilage requires a high expertise as harvesting the good amount yet necessary amount to prevent a collapse is challenging in a short and small nose. The short nose is one of the common characteristics for Asians and African American. Short Nose Distinct Characteristics

01    Short nose with nostrils showing

02    Short nose due to Infection from foreign implants

03    Short nose due to contractions from multiple surgeries scar tissues

04    Short nose due to excessive high tip projection without sufficient amount of skin coverage

05    Short nose due to cartilage damage from physical accidents

Short Nose Surgery Point

01    Elongate the tip cartilage to cover the nostrils using septal cartilage or rib cartilage.

02    Insert ear cartilage on top of the nose tip if necessary.

03    Partially use a silicone implant or autologous tissues to add heights in the nose bridge. (Autologous tissues are safer.)

04    Perform rhinoplasty with mid-face augmentation to create a sophisticated profile line from the nose tip to lips.

Bulbous Nose before and after
* Side effects such as inflammation after the surgery may vary by each individuals and may require appropriate treatments. Please check the guideline with the doctor.

About ‘Bulbous Nose’ Bulbous nose is one of the common characteristics of an Asian nose that many patients consider when considering the rhinoplasty. Bulbous nose usuaully appears due to few main reasons. When the patient has a large nasal tip fibrofatty tissues, these partial soft tissues should be eliminated to create a slimmer tip but not too much as it could give an unnatural result. Another main reason of a bulbous nose is due to the thick nasal skin itself. Patients with thicker skin tend to have round nose tips than the patients with thinner skin. When necessary, the alar reduction may be applied for patients who desire to achieve slimmer nostrils. Most patients do not recognize the precautions of an alar reduction, but the important part is that once the alar reduction is performed, it cannot be taken back anymore. Therefore, it is important to carefully decide whether or not to perform the alar reduction. Bulbous Nose Distinct Characteristics

01    Bulbous nose is common for Asian and African American.

02    People with a wide, thick, and bulbous nose.

03    People with a large size of nose

04    People with a wide nose tip cartilage (lower lateral cartilage)

05    People with large, wide, and thick nostrils

Bulbous Nose Surgery Point

01    Nostrils are the important features that determine the face impression. If possible, removing partial alar base must be carefully done only when necessary due to potential scarring problem.

02    Bublous removes excess nasal tip fat tissues to slim down the shape.

03    Reduce partial nasal tip cartilage (lower lateral cartilage) may be necessary sometimes.

04    When nose width or mid-vault (middle part of the nose) is wide, the mid-vault reduction surgery will be operated as well to slim down the nose width.

05    Depending on the nostrils shape, the surgery method is different and outer incision must be avoided to protect the skin from scarring.

Bulbous Nose Surgery Methods Two different methods of rhinoplasty

a)  Wide structural cartilage in the nose tip type -> Reduce nostrils When nostrils are large and nose width is too wide, structural cartilage should be reduced until 5-8mm. Septal cartilage or rib cartilage can be used to support the columella thus naturally reducing the width of the alar base and nostrils.

b)  Thick skin type -> Reduce the skin thickness and slim down the nose tip To create a beautiful nose tip from thick and wide nose tip, removing partial skin that is covering the nose tip is helpful. Inserting septal cartilage column that supports the nose tip structure creates a natural oval shape of nostrils. In addition, adding partial cartilage on top of nose tip is possible if patient desires to achieve higher nose tip.

Contracted/Upturned Nose before and after
* Side effects such as inflammation after the surgery may vary by each individuals and may require appropriate treatments. Please check the guideline with the doctor.

About ‘Contracted (Upturned) Nose’ When the contraction occurs due to the side effects of the implant, the nose becomes severely turned up and the nostrils are more visible. There are many reasons that possibly cause the side effects in the nose. Most of the cases are due to adverse reactions of foreign implants from the body. When the body cannot take the foreign implants well, the inner nasal tissues start to become tight and contract eventually causing a shortening of the length. For the revision surgery, it is important to remove all the foreign implants in the nose to fundamentally prevent further side effects and strogly build a supporting structure in the basement of the nose. In serious cases, it is necessary to ensure the length and the structure first; then adding the height can be considered accordingly using an autologous tissue. Common Reasons for Revision Rhinoplasty

a)    Foreign implant side effect

b)    Flushed Nasal Tip

c)    Twisted nose, bent nose

d)    Nose with Silicone Line

e)    Deformation due to inflammation

f)    Injection side effects

Contracted (Upturned) Nose Surgery Point Depending on the severity and nose conditions, there are few possible methods to undergo rhinoplasty. The best method is to use your own 100% rib cartilage to re-build the constructive structure, tip, and bridge. Since revision rhinoplasty is for the patients who already went through difficult time suffering from foreign implants, we highly recommend using the most natural material as possible to prevent further side effects. Please click here to see 100% natural rib cartilage rhinoplasty. See why we use natural rib cartilage instead of the donor cartilage. Contracted (Upturned) Nose – Ear Compositive Reconstructive Surgery When the nose is severely damaged, reconstructive rhinoplasty is required. When the patient undergoes the multiple surgeries, there is definitely a limited amount of skin and tissues to be stretched and utilized during the surgery that limits surgeon’s performance. Ear compositive is a specialized reconstructive surgery that only highly expertised doctors can perform. Dr.Lee Myung Ju harvests ear cartilage, tissue, and skin wholly and performs ear compositive to maximize the patient’s nose condition during the revision rhinoplasty.

Post-operative Care

01   Apply an ice pack for 4 days after the rhinoplasty.

02   When sleeping, avoid a flat pillow and use high-level pillows for 5 days after the surgery.

03   Avoid intense activities or exercises for 8 weeks after the surgery.

Why Choose VIP?

01   The high-satisfactory result from extensive surgery cases (20,000+) and continuous academic research.

02   Doctor’s high reputation and credential (University hospital professor, faculty member of ISAPS, previous executive member of KSAPS)

03   Safe anesthesia, satisfactory result (thorough sanitary system, air shower, emergency system, board certified anesthesiologist)

04   1:1 customer personalized surgery plan Consultation – body examination – surgery/procedure – VIP post-care

05   Daily post-care service Before surgery: Limousine service and VIP accommodation for international patients After surgery: Daily doctor’s dressing, recovery & swelling skincare

Meet the Chief Surgeon: Dr. Myung Ju Lee

Chef Surgeon Dr. Myung Ju Lee

Dr.Lee Myung Ju is the chief surgeon at VIP International Plastic Surgery Center. He has been dedicating himself in the field of plastic surgery as a professor, researcher, and surgeon for more than 24 years now. As a faculty member of the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery and the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, he has continuously devoted himself to share his techniques and knowledge. Dr.Lee is an eminent surgeon who is recognized for his gifted surgery techniques especially for the rhinoplasty and anti-aging surgeries. For decades, many international patients from Asia, the United States, and Europe have visited our clinic to receive surgeries; VIP clinic and his reputation is ever becoming strong and solid. Click *here to read more about his academic and surgery activities.

Dr. Myung Ju Lee’s affiliation


Major recovery usually takes about 10 days. Although it depends on the nose surgery type, we ask our patients to stay in Korea for 12-14 days including the examination, surgery, and recovery time.
2 weeks is an ideal period to avoid any major complications in the future. The stitches are taken out on the 5th or 7th day, and Dr.Lee carefully monitors your condition afterwards.
At VIP, general anesthesia is mostly operated for rhinoplasty. At times, IV sedations can be used depending on the case.
Although every surgery or procedure has its risk, it is our utmost important duty to keep our patients safe and satisfied with the result. Respectively, Dr. Lee has been operating thousands of cases over 25 years and has not experienced a single malpractice or an accident that has harmed our patient. We promise our patients to treat one of each as a VIP patient and to strive for the best result.
Any plastic surgery has certain risks, and it is Dr. Lee and our team’s duty to provide the best results with minimum risks. Unfortunately, we cannot predict all complications that may occur or not in the future. However, there are critical aspects that lower risks of complications, one of them is using your own tissues instead of artificial implants. Dr.Lee is a pioneer of rib cartilage rhinoplasty in Korea and he believes that using your own autologous tissues is the best method for a natural and safe result.
Unfortunately, it is quite difficult to change only a particular part of the nose. Nose has a very complicated 3D structure. Tissues, muscles and cartilages are connected between each other making it impossible to change only one part of the nose without influencing other tissues. In order for the nose to look natural, doctor needs to consider the nose structure as a whole.

Contact Us

If you would like to receive VIP doctor’s comments regarding your interested treatment or surgeries, feel free to contact us via mobile messenger app. Please let us know your interested areas with clear photos (front and side) for a free online consultation. Your photos will be privately used for consultation purposes only.