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My husband serve to the US Army and in late 2013 we were assigned to the beautiful calm South Korea. In the early 2014’s I decided to get plastic surgery in order to remove the two angry lines between my eye brows. Through my PCM at the 121 Army Hospital I was referred to host nation facility which is VIP International plastic surgery clinic located at Gangnam area. I went to check the clinic and to schedule appointment for consultation. First stop is the main office where I’m comfortable and satisfied to ask all the inquiry the information given to me was easy to understand. The managers, and staff articulate good english, polite, informative, and super friendly, the clinic is clean,well ventilated and architecturaly very nice! On the consultation day meeting with Dr Lee he explained the procedure by he will made a tiny incision above each brow in my hairline in order to carefully cut the proper muscles. Once the surgery was scheduled I was surprised to learn it was actually an endoscopic brow lift and one benefit is the procedure will left me with a smooth unwrinkled forehead. I decided to do it with approval of my husband. Its been almost 8 months now after the procedure and I was VERY pleased with the results and glad I had it done! To add on the reason why I had a brow lift because my friends and family told me I was looking extremely tired and angry lately. I had tried to fix it with botox but was never satisfied. There was minor pain after the operation which went away within a week and I couldn’t be happier with my results. Now it is 2015 and I am 50; most people (brave enough) to guess my age tend to guess I’ m in my 40’s as it has held up quite well. I also give kudos with the following staffs; Ms Kim, Ms Joanne, Chole and the nurses were incredible!!! they are kind and compassionate always available and were there to hold my hand when I needed it(which I needed a couple of times 🙂 My overall experience was amazing and without a moments of hesitation I would recommend VIP Dr Lee to friends, family or stranger! Whether it’s a major procedure or a slight enchanment. Way to go!!! Judy, from La Holla CA

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Reviews reflect personal opinions and not VIP Plastic Surgery Korea’s views. Results vary, and statements aren’t medical advice. Consult a board-certified plastic surgeon for professional guidance.

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Ministry of Health and Welfare of South Korea (License No. 473) The Korea Health Industry Development Institute Certified Top Doctor by Realself
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Phone: +82 64 713 1007

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Address: 46, Eunnam-1gil, Jeju-si, Jeju-do, Korea (63124)

Dr. Myung Ju Lee, M.D. Ph.D. is a board certified plastic surgeon in Korea, specializing in facelift, necklift, rhinoplasty, blepharoplasty, and genioplasty.

Business Registration No. 841-58-00455

© 2025 VIP International Plastic Surgery in Korea. All Rights Reserved.

Please note that before-and-after photos may vary depending on each patient's case. This website provides information on plastic surgery based on theoretical knowledge and extensive experience. No content contained herein may be used as a substitute for direct consultation.